Why Brands Should Use Content Marketing

Meera Shahin
3 min readNov 12, 2020


In today’s day and age, consumers are completely inundated with limitless options on products from so many different brands. Whether it be toothpaste, makeup, clothing, or any tech gadgets, there are so many options out there. It is much harder to build brand loyalty because of this reason. In order for a brand to truly build brand loyalty, they need to focus on differentiating themselves and offering unique value while building a relationship with their consumers. A great way to do this is simply through content marketing!

So…what is content marketing?

The Oxford definition of content marketing is “a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.” To me, content marketing is generating content that a brand’s target would find interesting, engaging, or informative. For example, a skincare brand cold talk about the benefits of certain ingredients in skincare and what purpose they serve, without directly marketing their individual products.

Why is content marketing important?

I think that content marketing is a KEY aspect of any business, especially when thinking in terms of an eCommerce platform. Having content marketing will increase the search engine optimization for brands, bringing them to the top of the page with relevant searches. It creates more than just a website with products, but something your consumer can truly interact with. This helps to build a much stronger relationship with the consumer than just selling the products. Additionally, it creates shareable content. When you produce interesting content, people will begin to share it on social media platforms, in the workplace, with their friends — and the list goes on. Having this shareable content will generate more views on your site which also leads to more brand awareness, and driving more sales in turn.

Why should brands use content marketing?

I think that content marketing offers so many advantages for a brand. When consumers are deciding on a brand, they typically search the web for ideas. Because content marketing helps with SEO, your brand will have a better chance of popping up for the consumer. Additionally, it is one of the most cost effective ways to build your brand. The sales that can be gained just from content marketing provide a huge ROI relative to what the investment is to create content. I know that whenever I am deciding on a product or brand, I am always looking online to see what I can find out based on reviews, or what the brand has posted or shared about their products. Consumers are much more likely to go with a brand that has more content than one that just merely sells their products because of the trust that can be built through additional information.



Meera Shahin

NYU Grad Student | Marketer | Living life as colorfully as can be